Business Search

Allows you to search all businesses registered in the state of Hawaiʻi. Most documents and filings are available to purchase.

Developed in partnership with:

  • Most documents are available for $3
  • COGS: $7.50 (electronic or printed)
  • Certified Copies: $10 additional per document
transactions this year

Related Services

Annual Business Filings

File your annual business report with the Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs.

Business Registration

Register a business online in the state of Hawaiʻi.

Business Complaints Search, OCP

The Office of Consumer Protection search allows you to check if a business or individual has had complaints filed against them and view the outcome of those complaints.

Business Complaints Search, RICO

The Regulated Industries Complaints Office search allows you to check if a business or individual has had complaints filed against them and view the outcome of those complaints.



award for State of Hawaiʻi Excellence in Technology Award
State of Hawaiʻi Excellence in Technology Award
award for Web Marketing Association – Best Mobile Government Website
Web Marketing Association – Best Mobile Government Website
award for International Association of Commercial Administrators (IACA) Merit Award
International Association of Commercial Administrators (IACA) Merit Award
award for NASCIO – Digital Government to Business (Finalist)
NASCIO – Digital Government to Business (Finalist)
award for Digital Government Achievement Award (DGAA) – Honorable Mention
Digital Government Achievement Award (DGAA) – Honorable Mention


award for International Association of Commercial Administrators (IACA) Merit Award – Outstanding Technical Innovation
International Association of Commercial Administrators (IACA) Merit Award – Outstanding Technical Innovation


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